AIDS survivors are encouraged to come out of the closet to help raise awareness and eradicate STIGMA.
In his memoir, "Out of My Second Closet: I Have AIDS-Get OVA It!", Author, Dwayne Carl, former corporate executive, encourages other AIDS victims to speak out in order to weaken the grip that silence imposes on efforts at prevention, treatment and research.
Redondo Beach, CA (PRWEB) May 16, 2012 - Nadine Kent Press announces the publication of a
memoir, "Out of My Second Closet: I Have AIDS-Get OVA It!" by Dwayne Carl; a compelling story of a real-life journey from
diagnosis, through fighting stigma and misunderstanding and on to ultimate triumph; available through Amazon.com in both
hard copy and Kindle version and on iTunes, as well as other major booksellers. When Carl was diagnosed with AIDS in
2002, he chose to disclose his status and be proactive in fighting back by raising awareness and campaigning for
prevention, HIV testing and promotion of safe sex. In addition, he vowed to tell his sometimes-graphic and
often painful story to help eradicate stigma, fear, prejudice and ignorance that allow this horrible
disease to strike more unwitting victims and send many affected victims into depression and resignation.
When asked
what motivated him to share his heart-wrenching story, Carl says, "I strongly believe in Mahatma Gandhi's challenge, 'Be the change
you wish to see in this world.'"
Carl uses photography and narrative detail in his book to educate, empower and inspire other AIDS victims and
survivors to speak out about their illness and join in efforts to raise awareness and funds. Taking the lead in this regard,
he is committed to his physical fitness and will participate in a 545 mile- bicycle ride from San Francisco to LA from
June 3-9, 2012, to raise funds for AIDS research; benefiting the L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center and the San Francisco
AIDS Foundation. Donations to support this event can be made at http://www.tofighthiv.org/site/TR?px=2803020&fr_id=1440&pg=personal
For news and updates on HIV/AIDS, to bring awareness to your home and community, and to engage Carl to speak to your group, visit
Dwayne Carl Enterprises at http://dwaynecarlenterprises.com/book.html
Source: PRWeb
Dwayne Carl
Dwayne Carl Enterprises, LLC